Category Archives: Effort


Motivational and inspirational quotes

1) Truth of life –
We make them cry who care for us, We cry for them who never
care for us, And we care for them who will never cry for us…

2) Always make your absence –
Always make ur absence felt in such a way, That somebody misses U,
But let not ur absence be so long, That somebody starts learning
to live without U…..

3) Trust me that is true –
People die younger Because god loves them so much, You’re still
on earth Because there’s someone ,Who loves you more than god,
Trust me, that is true…..

4) When someone loves you –
When some one loves you, You don’t realize it When you realize it,
its too late. You always love the one who leaves you and leave
the one who loves you….

5) So much love for you –
If U r in love, accept it, respect it & enjoy it. But if you are not,
then don’t worry because someone, somewhere must be wrapping up
so much love for you……

6) Happiness is a perfume –
Happiness is a perfume, you cannot spread on others without getting
a few drops on yourself. So always be happy to make others happy…..

7) Never break anyone’s heart –
Never break anyone’s heart. While breaking other’s heart, think
first what will happen, when someone will break your heart……

8) Never take someone for granted
Never take some one for granted. Hold every person close to your
heart because you might wake up one day and realize that you have
lost a diamond while you were too busy collecting stones…….

9) One day more to hope –
Every SUNSET gives us one day less to live,
But every SUNRISE gives us one day more to hope……..

10) Choose to live a life that matters. This happens by choice –
not by chance. Look at where you are today,
Is it by choice or by chance????

“We make a living by what we get, & we make a life by what we give”


How to make Decisions

A group of children were playing near two railway tracks,
one still in use while the other disused. Only one child played
on the disused track, & the rest on the used track.

The train is coming, & you are just beside the track interchange.
You can make the train change its course to the disused track
& save most of the kids. However, that would also mean the one
Child playing by the disused track would be sacrificed.

Let’s take a pause to think what kind of decision we could make……
Most people might choose to divert the course of the train, &
sacrifice only one child. I guess. Exactly, I thought the same way
initially, because to save most of the children at the expense of
only one child was rational decision most people would make, morally
& emotionally.

But, have you ever thought that the child choosing to play on the
disused track had in fact made the right decision to play at a safe
place? Nevertheless, he had to be sacrificed because of his ignorant
friends who chose to play where the danger was.

This kind of dilemma happens around us everyday. In the office,
community, in politics and especially in a democratic society, the
minority is often been sacrificed for the interest of the majority,
no matter how foolish or ignorant the majority are, and how far
sighted and knowledgeable the minority are. The child who chooses
not to play with the rest on the operational track was sacrificed; no
& no one would shed a tear for him.

The course of the train should not be changed because we believed
that the kids playing on the operational track should have known
very well that track was still in use, & that they should have run
away if they heard the train’s sirens.

If the train was diverted, that lone child would definitely die
because he never thought the train could come over to that track!.
That track was not in use probably because it was not safe. If the
train was diverted to the track, it could put the lives of all
passengers on board at stake! And in your attempt to save a few
kids by sacrificing one child, U might end up sacrificing hundreds
of people to save these few kids.

We are all aware of that, ”life is full of tough decisions that
need to be made; we may not realize that hasty decisions may not
be always the right one.

“Remember that what’s right isn’t always popular………….
& what’s popular isn’t always right………….”

Everybody makes mistakes……………
That’s why there is always eraser on the pencil…………..



There are two basic principles to keep your brain healthy and sharp as you age: variety and curiosity. When anything you do becomes second nature, you need to make a change. If you can do the crossword puzzle in your sleep, it’s time for you to move on to a new challenge in order to get the best workout for your brain. Curiosity about the world around you, how it works and how you can understand it will keep your brain working fast and efficiently. Use the ideas below to help attain your quest for mental fitness.


1. Read a Book

Pick a book on an entirely new subject. Read a novel set in Egypt. Learn about economics. There are many excellent popular non-fiction books that do a great job entertaining you while teaching about a subject. Become an expert in something new each week. Branch out from familiar reading topics. If you usually read history books, try a contemporary novel. Read foreign authors, the classics and random books. Not only will your brain get a workout by imagining different time periods, cultures and peoples, you will also have interesting stories to tell about your reading, what it makes you think of and the connections you draw between modem life and the words.


2. Play Games

Games are a wonderful way to tease and challenge your brain. Suduko, crosswords and electronic games can all improve your brain’s speed and memory. These games rely on logic, word skills, math and more. These games are also fun. You’ll get benefit more by doing these games a little bit every day-spend 15 minutes or so, not hours.


3. Use Your Opposite Hand

Spend the day doing things with your non-dominant hand. If you are left-handed, open doors with your right hand. If you are right-handed, try using your keys with your left. This simple task will cause your brain to lay down some new pathways and rethink daily tasks. Wear your watch on the opposite hand to remind you to switch.


4. Learn Phone Numbers

Our modem phones remember every number that calls them. No one memorizes phone numbers anymore, but it is a great memory Skill. Learn a new phone number everyday.


5. Eat for Your Brain

Your brain needs you to eat healthy fats. Focus on fish oils from wild salmon, nuts such as walnuts, seeds such as flax seed and olive oil. Eat more of these foods and less saturated fats. Eliminate transfats completely from your diet.


6. Break the Routine

We love our routines. We have hobbies and pastimes that we could do for hours on end. But the more something is second nature, the less our brains have to work to do it. To really help your brain stay young, challenge it. Change routes to the grocery store, use your opposite hand to open doors and eat dessert first. All this will force your brain to wake up from habits and pay attention again.

7. Go a Different way

Drive or walk a different way to wherever you go. This little change in routine helps the brain practice special memory and directions. Try different side streets go through stores in a different order anything to change your route.

8. Learn a New Skill

Learning a new skill works multiple areas of the brain. Your memory comes into play, you learn new movements and you associate things differently. Reading Shakespeare, learning to cook and building an airplane out of tooth picks all will challenge your brain and give you something to think about.


9. Make Lists

Lists are wonderful. Making lists helps us to associate items with one another. Make a list of all the places you have traveled. Make a list of the tastiest foods you have eaten. Make a list of the best presents you have been given. Make one list every day to jog your memory and make new connections. But don’t become too reliant on them. Make your grocery list, but then try to shop without it. Use the list once you have put every item you can think of in your cart. Do the same with your “to do” lists.


10. Choose a new skill

Find something that captivates you that you can do easily in your home and doesn’t cost too much. Photography with a digital camera, learning to draw, learning a musical instrument learning new cooking styles, or writing are all great choices.




Believe in your Heart

Believe in your heart that

something wonderful is about to happen.

Love your life.

Believe in your own powers,

and your own potential,

and in your own innate goodness.

Wake every morning

with the awe of just being alive.

Discover each day the magnificent,

awesome beauty in the world.

Explore and embrace life in yourself

and in everyone you see each day.

Reach within to find your own specialness.

Amaze yourself and rouse those around you

to the potential of each new day.

Don’t be afraid to admit

that you are less than perfect;

this is the essence of your humanity.

Let those who love you help you.

Trust enough to be able to take.

Look with hope to the horizon of today,

for today is all we truly have.

Live this day well.

Let a little sun out as well as in.

Create your own rainbows.

Be open to all your possibilities;

all possibilities and Miracles.

Always believe in Miracles…………….



Importance of Silence

There is profound strength in observing silence. Knowing this secret
all those People who observe silence have a sparkling & cheerful life.

There was an advertisement in a newspaper regarding vacancy in the
company. It was a prestigious post therefore lots of people applied
for that post. All the Selected applicants arrived for the interview
on the decided date & time.

While waiting to be called for interview, some of the applicants were
drinking Tea/coffee, some were smoking, some were talking & others
were trying to Impress the officers of the company. The hall was very
noisy. In this noisy Environment there was a young man who was
sitting peacefully. He was not doing anything. He was just silent &
at peace with himself.

All of a sudden an announcement was made from one of the staff member
of The company: “We would like to appoint a person who has a quiet
nature and keen observation. The person who can hear this instruction
may come in and Take the appointment letter.”

Nobody could hear that announcement in such a noisy atmosphere. But
the Young man who was sitting silently got up immediately and went
in. He was appointed for that position. He went out of the room with
the appointment letter in his hand and spoke to other applicants “Why
is such a chaos here? I’m already appointed for that position.”

All others were annoyed after hearing his statement. They accused him
of bribing the boss. That man replied peacefully: “Before going in I
thought of you all. Then I saw that none of you could hear that
instruction, which said `’ whoever can hear this voice can come in
and collect their appointment letter”. I was able to hear that but
none of you could do that.”

Remember Always:-
Almighty, the supreme father of all, is also instructing us continuously
in the same way. He is holding the winners cup in his hand & waiting
for us, but we are so busy in this Mysterious world that we are un-
able to hear his indications / commands, and therefore We are not
able to become the winner in our lives…………………..


The True Value

A king once got separated from his kinsmen while chasing a deer. He
wandered alone in the forest. As dusk fell, he knocked at the door of
a tiny cottage in the jungle. It was opened by a poor woodcutter who
gave the ‘stranger’ a warm welcome. He offered him his own bed to
sleep along with some simple but tasty food.

In the morning, while taking leave of the wood cutter, the king
disclosed his real identity and asked him, what he could give in
return for his hospitality. The wood cutter being a simpleton
asked, “Can you give me a place where I can cut trees and sell them?”
The king took him far away to the edge of another jungle and
said, “This is yours from today. Do what you like with it.”

The wood cutter would cut trees and burn them to make coal, because
they were too heavy for him to carry to the market place. Several
months passed. The woodcutter was very happy.

When the monsoon season started, there was heavy rainfall and the
wood became wet. The ground was full of slush, so it was impossible
to burn the wood to make coal. He had no choice but to carry the wet
logs of wood to the market to sell it. When he showed the wood to the
buyer, the buyer offered a sum that was a hundred times more than he
was paying earlier.

The wood cutter was confused! Earlier he was supplying coal whereas
now it was wood and that too, wet wood! Where was the catch? The
buyer told him that the wood that he had brought was no ordinary
wood, it was real Sandalwood! The wood cutter realized what a fool he
had been. He had cut and burnt hundreds of Sandalwood trees to make
coal, little realizing the value of this precious wood. Had he known,
by now he could have been a very, very rich man.

We also need to understand the value of this precious human body
awarded to us by Supreme Lord. Without realizing its importance and
proper utility we are burning it at both ends in the fire of our
worldly desires. Most of our energies are burnt in doing futile
things that eventually have neither value nor meaning.

But, by the time we realize that we are wasting our lives, it is
perhaps too late. The whole life burnt in hoarding wealth, making
friends and getting material pleasures, brings us to a miserable
state at the end of life
. At that time when nobody cares, we turn our
face towards God, but where is the energy to do any devotion

The sooner we realize the better chance we shall have. Let’s not
waste our precious human birth like that as foolish woodcutter.


Hope the following story would Touch your Heart……. ..

Many Many years ago in a small village, a farmer had the misfortune
of owing a large sum of money to a village moneylender. The
Moneylender, who was old and ugly, fancied the farmer’s beautiful
Daughter. So he proposed a bargain. He said he would forgive the
farmer’s debt if he could marry his Daughter. Both the farmer and his
daughter were horrified by the Proposal.

So the cunning moneylender suggested that they let Providence decide
the matter.

He told them that he would put a black Pebble and a white pebble into
an empty money bag. Then the girl would have to pick one pebble from
the bag.
1) If she picked the black pebble, she would become his wife and her
father’s debt would be forgiven.
2) If she picked the white pebble she need not marry him and her
father’s debt would still be forgiven.
3) But if she refused to pick a pebble, her father would be thrown
into Jail.

They were standing in the farmer’s field. As they talked, the
moneylender bent over to pick up two pebbles. As he picked them up,
the sharp-eyed girl noticed that he had picked up two Black pebbles
and put them into the bag. He then asked the girl to pick a pebble
from the bag.

Now, imagine that you were standing in the field. What would you have
done if you were the girl? If you had to advise her, what would you
have told her?
Careful analysis would produce three possibilities:
1. The girl should refuse to take a pebble.
2. The girl should show that there were two black pebbles in the bag
and expose the money-lender as a cheat.
3. The girl should pick a black pebble and sacrifice herself in order
To save her father from his debt and imprisonment.

The above story is used with the hope that it will make us appreciate
the difference between lateral and logical thinking.
The girl’s dilemma cannot be solved with Traditional logical
thinking. Think of the consequences if she chooses the above logical
What would you recommend to the Girl to do?

Well, here is what she did….
The girl put her hand into the moneybag and drew out a pebble.
Without Looking at it, she drop the pebble in the field. Where it
immediately got lost among all the other pebbles.

“Oh, I drop the pebble,” she said. “But never mind, if you look into
the Bag for the one that is left, you will be able to tell which
pebble I Picked.”
Since the remaining pebble is black, it must be assumed that she had
picked the white one.

And since the money-lender dared not admit his Dishonesty, the girl
changed what seemed an impossible situation into an extremely
advantageous one.

Most complicated problems do have a solution. It is only that we
don’t Attempt to think.

”The shortest distance between a problem and a solution,
is the distance between your knees and the floor.
The one who kneels to the Almighty,
can stand up to anything…..”

80/20 RULE

Apply the 80/20 Rule to Everything
By: Brian Tracy

The 80/20 Rule is one of the most helpful of all concepts of time and life management. It is also called the Pareto Principle after its founder, the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who first wrote about it in 1895. Pareto noticed that people in his society seemed to divide naturally into what he called the “vital few,” the top 20% in terms of money and influence, and the “trivial many,” the bottom 80%.

The Great Discovery
He later discovered that virtually all economic activity was subject to this Pareto Principle as well.

For example, this rule says that 20% of your activities will account for 80% of your results. 20% of your customers will account for 80% of your sales. 20% of your products or services will account for 80% of your profits. 20% of your tasks will account for 80% of the value of what you do, and so on.

This means that if you have a list of ten items to do, two of those items will turn out to be worth as much or more than the other eight items put together.

The Greatest Payoff
Here is an interesting discovery. Each of these tasks may take the same amount of time to accomplish. But one or two of those tasks will contribute five or ten times the value as any of the others.

Often, one item on a list of ten things that you have to do can be worth more than all the other nine items put together. This task is invariably the one that you should do first.

The Most Valuable Tasks
The most valuable tasks you can do each day are often the hardest and most complex. But the payoff and rewards for completing these tasks efficiently can be tremendous. For this reason, you must adamantly refuse to work on tasks in the bottom 80% while you still have tasks in the top 20% left to be done.

Before you begin work, always ask yourself, “Is this task in the top 20% of my activities or in the bottom 80%?”

Getting Started
The hardest part of any important task is getting started on it in the first place. Once you actually begin work on a valuable task, you seem to be naturally motivated to continue. There is a part of your mind that loves to be busy working on significant tasks that can really make a difference. Your job is to feed this part of your mind continually.

Managing Your Life
Time management is really life management, personal management. It is really taking control over the sequence of events. Time management is control over what you do next. And you are always free to choose the task that you will do next. Your ability to choose between the important and the unimportant is the key determinant of your success in life and work.

Effective, productive people discipline themselves to start on the most important task that is before them. They force themselves to eat that frog, whatever it is. As a result, they accomplish vastly more than the average person and are much happier as a result. This should be your way of working as well.

Action Exercises
Make a list of all the key goals, activities, projects and responsibilities in your life today. Which of them are, or could be, in the top 10% or 20% of tasks that represent, or could represent, 80% or 90% of your results?

Resolve today that you are going to spend more and more of your time working in those few areas that can really make a difference in your life and career, and less and less time on lower value activities……



Refusing to Accept Failure

Sir Edmund Hillary was the first man to climb Mount Everest. On May 29, 1953 he scaled the highest mountain then known to man-29,000 feet straight up. He was knighted for his efforts.

He even made American Express card commercials because of it! However, until we read his book, ‘High Adventure’, we don’t understand that Hillary had to grow into this success.

You see, in 1952 he attempted to climb Mount Everest, but failed. A few weeks later a group in England asked him to address its members.

Hillary walked on stage to a thunderous applause. The audience was recognizing an attempt at greatness, but Edmund Hillary saw himself as a failure. He moved away from the microphone and walked to the edge of the platform.

He made a fist and pointed at a picture of the mountain. He said in a loud voice, Mount Everest, you beat me the first time, but I’ll beat you the next time because you’ve grown all you are going to grow… but I’m still growing!”


Rest Smart


Once there were a group of men, a young hot-blooded guy and a big number of old folks, doing timber job in a jungle (i.e. chopping down trees).

This young chap is very hard working. He always continues to work through his break time and complains that those old folks were wasting time, having to break few times a day to drink and chat. As times goes by, this young guy noticed that even though he worked thru’ break time and hardly took a rest… those old folks are chopping the same amount of trees as he did and sometimes did more than he did. It was as if those old folks work thru’ the break time as he did. So he decided to work harder the next day…unfortunately the results were even worse.

One day, one of the old folk invited him for a drink during their break time. That young guy refused and said he has no extra time to spend! Then the old man smiled to him and said it was just a waste of effort to keep chopping trees without re-sharpening your knife. Sooner or later you will give up or be as exhausted as you have spent too much energy.

Suddenly the young man realized that actually during break times while those old folks were having a chat, they were also re-sharpening their knife at the same time! And that’s how they can chop faster than him and yet spending lesser time! The old man said what we need is efficiency by making use of our skill and ability intelligently. Only then can we have more times to do other things.

Otherwise you will always keep saying … I have no time!

The morale of the story: By taking a short break during work, it would make you feel fresher, think well and work better after the break! (Or am I just finding excuse to take a break). But by taking a break, it is not to stop work but to rest and re-think our strategy to go about it from another angle. Think smart, work smart and rest smart.